9 May 2023
Our CEO Shares His Thoughts On Marketing Alternative Proteins In The Latest Edition Of Protein Production Technology

These are two separate questions that require two approaches in parallel. On one hand, you have the media through all of its various channels. And if alternative proteins continue to progress on the scaling, regulatory, and commercial fronts without educating the public by partnering with all forms of media outlets, you risk these outlets concocting their own stories that might be based less in facts and more in speculation.
My experience has always been quite positive working with media to get the word out on new and innovative technologies and products – but the first step is to make this outreach and general education a priority, without devolving into a sales pitch. On the other hand, traditional farming lobbies will obviously look to create a narrative that protects their constituent’s best interests – which, in the case of alternative proteins, will likely be playing on the fear of the unknown. We need to make sure major players in the farming value chain are invested in seeing alternative proteins grow as a category globally. And this could take several forms, including investment and partnerships.
I observed this earlier in my career, where I supported very successful product lines that came out of collaborations between seemingly rival companies. When we look back at the commercial success of alternative proteins, I expect similar partnerships between entities that we may think of as rivals today.
– Josh Robinson